Tracy Morgan Is In Love With Michelle Obama

22/04/2011 02:14

Tracy Morgan recently appeared on the late night television and one thing about Tracy Morgan is that he always is making things very interesting. Tracy Morgan is a rock star who has a reputation for being very unpredictable and he has been proving that a lot in the past couple of weeks.

The Host, George Lopez talked to Morgan on a variety of topics which also included his most recent event with his kidney transplant.  After that they started talking about Michelle and he went on to say that she is for sure a beast and that she looks like a very nice mountain that is tall and that he would climb that mountain just to get there to be with her.

Personally, I feel that President Obama doesn’t have anything to worry about because I think that President Obama is very sexy and that he looks better then Tracy Morgan, so Tracy – hate to say it but I think that you’re just out of luck with Michelle!  Maybe I’m wrong. What do you think? Does Tracy Morgan look better then President Obama?

Craig Ferguson
Craig ferguson show

